
"Neko no hi", or The Day of the Cat, is a Japanese sub-holiday that occurs every year on the 22nd of February, and since I am an avid lover of both cats and Japan, I figured I would celebrate the day by sharing some recent kitty photos I took, as well as some videos of famous kitties on the internet.

The photos were taken last Saturday during a day trip to Boston, while the videos are of Maru and Theo, two popular Japanese cats on Youtube.

Having said that, I hope you enjoy the cuteness coming your way, and if you have a feline of your own, I hope you'll shower them with some extra lovin' today.


The Egyptian

The Egyptian

Forever Valentine

Here’s some food (or chocolate) for thought on this February 14th: why not treat every day like it’s Valentine’s Day and romance the pants off everyone in your life (including yourself!) all year long?

I mean, there can never be too many love notes, flowers, or chocolates being shared, regardless of the time of year, so let’s create a more affectionate world by treating each day as a “lover’s day” instead of waiting especially for this one.

Healing Through Creating

Sometimes the best way to let go of any heartbreak, pain, or frustration is to make art out of it. Be it with music, photographs, or words, it doesn't matter which medium you use just as long as you make something out of the feelings you're experiencing. That way you will be able to let go of those feelings more quickly while having created a beautiful composition in the process.

The Budding of the Orchids

Today I am letting go of some disappointment in my life, and I am doing that through this photo I took earlier in the day. True, it may not reflect the word “disappointment” in the literal sense, but I took it while feeling disappointed, so it reflects the beauty I wish to replace the feelings of disappointment with instead.

What's more, I've found it to help me feel better knowing that I've made something positive out of something unpleasant inside of myself, which just goes to prove that art (in all of its forms) will forever be the best medicine for the soul.